Amos Trust
A small, creative human rights organisation, committed to challenging injustice, building hope and creating positive change.
Christian Aid
St John's regularly supports the work of Christian Aid through the Churches Together Christian Aid lunches and an annual door to door collection during Christian Aid Week
Christians Against Poverty
Christians Against Poverty (CAP) is an award winning debt counselling charity with a growing network of over 200 centres throughout the UK. CAP is not just for Christians, but will help anyone regardless of their religious beliefs. If you are struggling with debt (or anyone you know is) then you can call free on 0800 328 0006 or vist their website.
Churches Together
The various churches in Hedge End, West End and Botley regularly meet together, both ordained and lay persons, to discuss ways in which we can share our common faith in the community. This is done through events, both liturgical and social over the year.
Diocese of Winchester
Find out more about our local diocese
Eco Church
A Rocha UK’s award scheme for churches in England and Wales who want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth
Inclusive Church
Inclusive Church is a group of Christians uniting together around a shared belief in a church that does not discriminate, on any level, on grounds of economic power, gender, mental health, physical ability, race or sexuality and that welcomes and serves all people in the name of Jesus Christ.
Kiva is an international nonprofit, founded in 2005 and based in San Francisco, with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty.
Mission to Seafarers
St John's Church has supported the Mission to Seafarers for many years. Coffee mornings are held to raise money for the Mission and someone from the Mission attends to speak and update us about their work. Knitters make woolly hats which are donated to the Mission as many seafarers come from tropical countries and are not used to the cold and damp of northern climes. Knitters also make small, lightweight teddy bears which are donated to seafarers so they can send them as gifts to their children back home.
Sabeel is an ecumenical grassroots liberation theology movement among Palestinian Christians. Inspired by the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, this liberation theology seeks to deepen the faith of Palestinian Christians, to promote unity among them and lead them to act for justice and peace.
Society of St James
A Hampshire-based homelessness charity, providing accommodation and support to over 2500 people each year
Street Pastors
Street Pastors is an inter-denominational Church response to urban problems, engaging with people on the streets to care, listen and dialogue.
It was pioneered in London in January 2003 by Rev Les Isaac, Director of the Ascension Trust, and has seen some remarkable results, including drops in crime in areas where teams have been working. There are now some 9000 trained volunteers nearly 250 teams around the United Kingdom.
Each city project is set up by Ascension Trust and run by a local coordinator with support from Ascension Trust and local churches and community groups, in partnership with Police, Council and other statutory agencies.
Discover, in 5 minutes, a compassionate space with Taketime meditations. Spirituality inspired by the stories of Jesus.
The Church of England
Find out more about the Church of England of which St John's is a part
The Fairtrade Foundation
St John's is pleased to support the Fairtrade Foundation by using fairly traded products whenever possible. Fairtrade products are also for sale after the 9.45am service on the 3rd Sunday of the month
The Real Easter Egg Company
Putting Jesus back into Easter
The Real Easter Egg is the first and only Fairtrade chocolate Easter Egg to explain the Christian understanding of Easter on the box. It also supports charity and development projects.